Category Archives: Joomla!


As you make your Joomla! site using the extension you will control the details of the display using parameters. Parameters control everything from whether the author’s name is displayed to who can view what to the number of items shown on a list. Default parameters for each components are changed using the Options button on […]


The users extension lets your site visitors register, login and logout, change their passwords and other information, and recover lost passwords. In the administrator it allows you to create, block and manage users and create user groups and access levels. Help Please note that some of the user views will not display if you are […]


The content component (com_content) is what you use to write articles. It is extremely flexible and has the largest number of built in views. Articles can be created and edited from the front end, making content the easiest component to use to create your site content. Help

Using Joomla!

With Joomla! You can create anything from a simple personal website to a complex ecommerce or social site with millions of visitors. This section of the sample data provides you with a brief introduction to Joomla! concepts and reference material to help you understand how Joomla! works. When you no longer need the sample data, […]


Editors are used thoughout Joomla! where content is created. TinyMCE is the default choice in most locations although CodeMirror is used in the template manager. No Editor provides a text box for html content. Default on: CodeMirror Help TinyMCE Help No Editor Help Default off: None